Sunday, March 29, 2009

My Experience with a Prostate Massager. Nexus Vibro Review

You know, I'm an absolute beginner when it comes to anal play, on myself — and a little squeamish, to say the least. But according to the makers of the Nexus massager, the ultimate orgasm is to be found back there. At the very least, this experiment will either prove or refute my friends' claims that I'm a tight-ass. So I gathered my supplies, the Nexus Vibro from and a little Glide lube.

The fun? part

Getting it in's the hard part. It felt like going to the bathroom — backwards. I'm sure that feeling of No. 2-ing in reverse can be gotten used to — but can one actually enjoy it?

"When the Nexus massager is fully drawn into the anus, you will initially feel the pressure of the foreign object. For best results, wait 10 to 20 minutes. The prostate will accommodate the Nexus massager and the foreign sensation will begin to alleviate."

This is actually key. After several minutes, the unwanted-guest feeling slowly subsided and, heck, it actually felt pretty good in there. I read the directions during said waiting period, slightly yet pleasantly aware of the massager's presence.

But after awhile, I lost patience with the instruction manual — which read like an unabridged copy of the Talmud — and I decided to go with my instincts and what I'd gleaned from the web site. The idea is that with some practice, you can reach orgasm just by squeezing your sphincter, without even touching your penis.

After about ten minutes of serious squeezing, I was totally tuckered out and starting to feel a bit silly, what with the toys handle protruding like an albino ram's horn from between my cheeks. I admitted defeat and rolled onto my back to bang one out in the old-school fashion. Lying on my back must have shifted the position of the toy, because I almost dropped came immediately and had to concentrate hard not to. When I came shortly thereafter, the feeling was much more intense than normal. It started as kind of a strong pulsing, originating from my perineum and traveling up the shaft of my old chap. I started to wonder what was achievable if I weren't so weird about the whole thing.

What I Like:

Quality is high, very detailed and well designed. The ribbed shaft combined with vibration is intense and creates incredible sensations. It is made of medical-grade hard plastic so keeping it clean is very easy.
The Nexus Vibro stimulates the entire anal canal during prostate massage and the ball bearing takes male g-spot experience to a new level. Yes, it vibrates the prostate! The Nexus Vibro is a multi-talented Nexus prostate massager, with ball bearings, ribs, and a motor to keep you going way past bedtime.
With a bit more of a bend in the shaft of the prostate massager, the Nexus Vibro presses more firmly on the prostate, and gets right in there to give you deep, hard male g-spot orgasms from deep inside. It also combines the perineum stimulator to apply pressure to the perineum acupressure point with enhanced vibration.

What I didn't like:



A very good sex toy for the money and should last a long time. If you are looking to take prostate stimulation to the max, this is the ultimate sex toy for you. Like all prostate stimulators, the Nexus takes practice to receive the full benefit (for some men, it can take months to master prostate stimulators, others a few days), take your time and experiment with this one! I gave this 4 out 5 stars as it is a little expensive (worth it though). I will give it another go, maybe this time during intercourse.

This product can be picked up from here, or on ebay.

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