Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Door Jam Cuffs Review

Today we have a sexy review of Door Jam Cuffs. The review was done by

When I first showed D these Door Jam Cuffs from VibeReview, he wasn’t terribly impressed. We’ve already got assorted rope, foam shapes with bondage straps, and an under the bed bondage system - he didn’t think that we needed the Door Jam Cuffs, and he didn’t think they could possibly effective. Little strips of nylon with velcro cuffs on one end, and a small lightweight plastic tube on the other? How could they possibly hold a grown man in place? Underestimating theDoor Jam Cuffs was his first mistake…

The design of the Door Jam Cuffs, is, frankly ingenious. The strip of nylon goes over the top of any regular door, the small plastic tubes go on the opposite side of the door and hold the cuffs, and your victim, in place. No hardware, no messing with screws or nails - these are probably the easiest devices I’ve ever installed, and I love how they set up and tear down in a matter of minutes. We used them on our bedroom door, but they’d be just as easy to use at a hotel, at a bed & breakfast - pretty much anywhere there’s a door.

I ordered D to strip down and position himself in front of the door. First one wrist, then the other were velcroed in place, and D has small wrists so the velcro secured tightly for a nice snug fit. I loved how easy it was! And D was soon to find out just how secure they were. They allowed him just enough leeway to twist and turn around, but not enough to evade the blows of my flogger, my crop, or my hand. He definitely did not expect to be so securely bound, and it was the best kind of evil fun, having him so vulnerable and open, to nipple torture, spankings, all kinds of fun! And when his hands started to turn cool from loss of circulation, it was just a matter of reaching up and undoing the velcro - much easier than fumbling with buckles, locks, and keys. And it was equally easy to put him back in bondage when his circulation improved and he decided he wanted more!

Check out more of this sexy review and more @

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