Monday, April 20, 2009

Are you commiting these anal sex mistakes?

I was reading one of my favorite anal sex blogs today, Anal Sex Secrets, and I ran across this great entry. I know I have been guilty of at least, ummm, all five. So try not to make the same mistakes I have.

Mistake #1 - Surprising Her With It (Trying To Slide It In Unexpectedly)

So there you are having vaginal sex, both you and your girlfriend are into it, and then you suddenly try to slide it into her ass.

With no warning like that, it’s probably going to be shocking and painful for her. So not only did you send her the message that anal sex hurts, she’s not going to trust you as much.

And that’s the biggest key to getting her to enjoy having anal sex with you, trust.

Now how is it going to go down next time you try to get her to have anal sex with you? I guarantee it’s going to be harder.

Mistake #2 - Pressuring Her

She needs to know and feel that you love sex with her in all it’s forms. That she’s a marvelous lover who keeps you satisfied. If you continually try to pressure her into anal sex, you send the message “I’m not satisfied, I need something else”.

This will only create resistance in her.

Instead, your goal is to make her want it to much that she’s asking you for anal sex. Doesn’t that sound better?

I’ll explain how to do that in a future post.

Mistake #3 - No Foreplay

Just like her pussy here.

The more aroused she is, the wetter her pussy gets, and the more her pussy is ready for your cock.

It’s the same with her ass. It doesn’t get wet, but it does get excited, more receptive to being touched, caressed and even penetrated.

The more foreplay, the better your chances of anal sex and the better it will be.

Mistake #4 - Forcing It In

Most guys get too excited. They shove it in too far too quickly.

This doesn’t feel good to her.

You’ve got to be gentle. Once you do get to the point where she’s ready to have your cock in her ass, give it too her a tiny bit at a time. Once you’re in a little bit, stop. Give her (and her ass) time to adjust to the fullness and accept that much of your cock before giving her a little more.

Mistake #5 - Being Too Rough

Unless she’s a seasoned pro, there’s almost no chance she’s going to like her ass treated roughly.

The anus and rectal walls are very thin, and much more delicate than the vagina. They easily tear and abrade. You’ve got to use tons of lube, and always, always be gentle.

So take your time, listen to her. Pay attention to her body. Be gentle and be patient.

I hope you found this helpful.

If you like this entry, make sure you check it out and tons of other great Anal Sex info here.

1 comment:

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