Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mom & Daughter Working at the Moonlight Bunny Ranch

Yes, it's true, Elli and I have joined The Moonlite Bunny Ranch and will be here for private parties from March 18th through March 29th. We're also being filmed to be on HBO's Cathouse series. Lots of great things happening for The FoXXs now that we're here.

If you read my blog on Escorting a while back ago, you'll remember that I said I'd have to see a legal system for it and then I could decide if I'd ever do it. Well, Dennis Hof was nice enough to invite us up to check it all out and so Tuesday, we headed off to Northern Nevada to do just that. It took us most of the day to get here and boy, were our dogs glad when we finally got moved into our apartment here. The first thing we had to do when we arrived was to go to the brothel doctor and get our tests done. They come back really fast so we tested at around 4pm on Tuesday and had our results back Wednesday morning.

Yesterday was our first offical day working at The Bunny Ranch. We started the day around 9:30am with a call that our tests were good and we could go to the sheriff's department for our licenses. That was interesting. They fingerprint you, you fill out a background form and you're on your way. We came back to the Ranch and got settled into our rooms here. Dennis was so generous to get us an apartment offsite so we could bring our dogs and we also each have a room for clients at The Bunny Ranch. It's really cool because Elli is next door to me and we share a bathroom so we can leave the doors open and hang out while we wait for the customer bell to ring. When it rings, it's time to go do the lineup and meet the clients.

We absolutely love it here and I can safely say that if we would've checked this out first, we would've never made it to porn. At least not the way we did it lol. Dennis is the best and will handle our PR and marketing going forward. He's the most active and forward thinking man I've met in the adult industry so we are definitely in the best place here. They have a wonderful system and all the girls are beautiful and so nice. After spending a couple days here, we can definitely see why it's such a successful business. They have the most beautiful girls, everyone has a lot of fun and so far, the guys have been very nice looking.

Since my birthday was yesterday, I was really hoping to have my first client and get some birthday action We spent most of the day in orientation (yes, they even have orientation and a mentor program) so didn't get the chance but did get to hang out with a couple of clients which was nice and good experience for us. With the weekend coming, we're sure it'll be busy and we'll get to have some fun. If any of you would like to have a private party with Elli, me or both of us, come on in to The Bunny Ranch in Carson City, NV and we'll make sure we all have some fun!!

Full article @ Porn in the Valley

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